Tear Drop Bottle

It was July 5, 2021. I had just come out of a great weekend with great people, but there was one thing weighing on my heart… and I couldn’t shake it. On my hour-long commute home, I thought about what podcast I would play to occupy me… Or perhaps what music… or perhaps what radio…

Guest Post: Are You Training or Just Trying?

[My mom wrote this piece recently and I wanted to share it. As she’s been living out the Christian faith for the majority of her life, I love that she continues to grow and learn and wants to share it with others. Enjoy!] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have you ever… Tried to run a race? Tried to bite…

Where Do You Take Your Sins?

It’s probably been a few months now from the time I first listened to Timothy Keller’s sermon entitled “Removing Idols from the Heart.”It’s so good, though, and I still love it. Take a moment a read a portion of what he says (it’s worth it- I promise): …The second part, which is what I really…

Keep Me Faithful

I learned this song last year at Cornerstone. It’s written by students at Cornerstone University and I love it. I find this to be my prayer often, and I love the truth embedded within the lyrics. I hope you find some encouragement in them as well! In the hour of trial, Jesus, plead for me…