Come to Me (Guided Meditation)

Rest is a huge part of God’s good news to us. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Today, I invite you to take a seat, open your ears, and let the Lord take this truth even deeper into your spirit.

Meditation Series Introduction

My alarm went off at 6am. I rolled over toward the shelf by my bed, grabbed my phone to silence the alarm, and turned on my pink salt lamp to ease my eyes into light. I feel tired and groggy, yet I still proceed to pick up my bible I also have on this shelf.…

Boundaries: A Change in my Perspective

When I consider how to have healthy boundaries, I need to filter it through scripture. If boundaries are really good, there has got to be a way to approach it that is not arrogant and self-centered but rather in line with the way of Jesus. Did Jesus have boundaries? Sure. But it wasn’t to protect himself or keep himself in high-status… In short, boundaries is living in truth with how God made you.

Personal Story: God is Generous

The Lord is good. He cares. He is so generous! His grace is abundant. He is the giver of good gifts and loves to be part of the intricate details of His children’s lives. Since 2011, I’ve been driving a good ol’ 2007 Chevrolet Impala, which was gifted to me by my parents after I…

The Judge Defends Me

Over a year ago I published a post on the accusations of my mind. And yet accusing thoughts still sneak up on me… As I sat at my desk one night, trying to focus on writing, I kept getting distracted by accusing thoughts. They seem to come at the most inconvenient times. Hello, I’m trying…

Laying Down Your Life for a Friend

Sometimes I feel excited about what I have to share, great life-giving experiences with the Lord that I’m nearly bursting at the seams from. Then sometimes, I hold back from sharing (even to my friends) because I’m afraid of it being squashed. But now I’m challenged to see this differently. Instead of potential defeat, I see potential opportunity to experience the heart of Jesus, a love that lays down its life for its friends.

Does God Accept My Anger?

If I ever experience anger or am filled with rage, I don’t have to quick “shut it down” out of believing that God would not be okay with me feeling such things. On the contrary, He is the only one who can really understand my anger, as he’s experienced anger to an even further extent than I ever will.

Tear Drop Bottle

It was July 5, 2021. I had just come out of a great weekend with great people, but there was one thing weighing on my heart… and I couldn’t shake it. On my hour-long commute home, I thought about what podcast I would play to occupy me… Or perhaps what music… or perhaps what radio…